Monday, June 14, 2010

Haines Alaska

June 13, 2010

As wished for, today was a better day. Rained for a little while, but it cleared off and was beautiful. Lots of things to see today. Four humpback whales. One was a cow with calf. Got a a couple of pictures. A few Orcas and lots of Porpoises.

Arrived in Haines at 7;30 PM and checked into a campground. Got set up and went to bed early. We were both worn out.

June 14, 2010

Weather a little iffy today. No rain, but periods of clouds and wind. I just can't seem to get comfortable. We visited the Bald Eagle American Foundation and saw a very interesting presentation by a wildlife expert on the types of animal we can expect to see and what to do if you encounter unfriendly ones. This was in a large room with mounted specimens of of the animals he was talking about. From Brown Bears to Moose and many other types of animals.

We then went out the road past the Ferry Terminal to a state recreation area. Nice lake and campground. On the way back I spotted an eagle sitting in the top of a tree very close to the road and just a little higher. Joyce pulled over and we took pictures. I got several pictures that I am satisfied with. And as far as my pictures are concerned it takes a lot to satisfy me. I am my own worst critic.

For some reason today, I have felt just totally washed out today. I am glad we were not moving today. Did some other sightseeing this afternoon and I came back and took a nap. Joyce went to the local grocery and got sticker shock at the prices. I had my own sticker shock at the gas pump. $3.62 a gallon. Welcome to Alaska.

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