Friday, July 9, 2010

July 8, 2010

One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's entry. While in Watson Lake we got gas at the Tag Market. They had a little cafe in the back corner. It was not quite time for lunch but we looked to see what we could get to take with us and eat later. We decided what we wanted and waited for it. There was one cook and he had about 4 orders going at once. You have never seen a man move so fast. It was worth what we paid for the food just to watch him. And on top of that the food was good.

Another place we stopped yesterday was in Jade City. This store has it's own Jade mine where they dig and then process the jade. In the store are some of the neatest jade pieces you will ever see. But be of stout heart when you pick them up and look at the prices. While I did not buy the expensive pieces I did get a lot of my Christmas shopping done. In talking with the owner she told me that she supplies 90% of the world's jade market.

We left at our usual leisurely time and proceeded down the highway. Enjoying the scenery which is about as good as we have seen. Mountains on either side of us with snow still on them. Beautiful lakes. We managed to get a few reflection shots of lakes and mountains.

We ate lunch at this lodge and campground by Tatooga Lake. The owner got to talking with us and said we should find a small place up here,buy it and move up there. I remarked that I did not think I could take all all the winter darkness. His reply was come up in April, leave in November. While going to dinner tonight we saw a sign advertising houses for $39,900 with 3 bedrooms, electric heat and 1 1/2 baths. I asked her if we should buy one. She thought about it and the only objection she came up with was that 'it is a lot of driving each year'.

How do I describe the 32 mile drive from Meziadin Junction to Stewart, BC. It is a narrow valley with steep sided mountains on either side. Avalanche areas abound. Several glaciers are in sight. Bear Glacier comes right down to the road and you can see the terminus in a small lake. If lucky you can watch it calve. We did not see it calve in 2006 but maybe we will get lucky this time. From our campsite we can see a 'hanging glacier' above town.

We had meant to stay at the Bear River campground at the edge of town. When we turned in we found that we were not welcome. No soft-side tent trailers. I'm sure they would say it is because of the many bears in the area, but I think they do not want tents or tent trailers. Doesn't look good with the big RVs. Joyce had looked in the Milepost book we have and found there was a municipal campground. So that is where we are tonight and tomorrow night.

Tomorrow we will cross the border to Hyder, AK. The only road to it is thru Stewart and it basically dead-ends in Hyder. Hyder is the southern most part of Alaska. We plan to go back to Salmon Glacier.

July 9, 2010

Today we have been in Canada, crossed the State of Alaska to Canada and back again. How did we do this. Drive 2 miles from Stewart to Hyder, AK and then another 10 miles toward Salmon Glacier and back into Canada.

Hyder is one of the few places that does not have US Customs stationed at the border. Canada does, so on the way back we had to pass thru Canadian Customs. We know all the questions now. Been thru them so many times. Maybe one more time when we swing north to come down thru Michigan.

Today was a good day. Lots of beautiful scenery, wildflowers and a Grizzly. We were at the overlook for Salmon Glacier when someone told us of a bear down the road about 5 miles. Hustled Joyce into the car and off we went. Knowing how bears move around we did not have too many hopes, but there he was. We drove almost down to the meadow and stopped the car a couple hundred yards away. We were of no bother to the bear. He kept doing what he was doing, that is eating. We did what we came for. Got some good pictures.

Stopped by the Visitors Center to check on the availability of their WI-FI. They said it is on continuously and all I need do is come sit in the parking lot or on the bench by the door. Will do so later tonight.

Leaving tomorrow toward Prince George. We will not make it all the way so will camp somewhere a couple of hundred miles from here.

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