Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It started raining again during the night but not the downpours of the day before. We were able to get packed up and on the road by 9:30. Lots of scenery, as usual, today. Stopped and looked at a few overlooks but mostly kept heading north. We stop at two lighthouses, Heceta and Yaquina Head. Heceta is absolutely gorgeous from the overlooks before you get there. We walked up to the lighthouse and Joyce took a tour. I did not because my foot was killing me. I bruised the side of it this morning while hooking up the camper. I stomped on the catch mechanism that goes over the ball and my foot slipped off to one side and hit the hitch. I knew I had hurt it but it progressively got worse during the day. We stopped in one of the small towns and got an ace bandage and wrapped it good. We went to the lighthouse at Yaquina Head and I was barely able to walk. Joyce did another tour. I got my camp chair out of the camper and sat with my foot propped up on the fence. By the time we got here to Devils Lake State Park to camp it had started to feel much better. I am now able to walk, but with quite a limp. It should improve as time goes on. Just have to wait and see how long my recovery will be. But it is not enough to stop us.

In taking the Pop-up to AK I have been more worried about the mosquitoes than bears. There is no way to keep those pesky little critters out of the camper, so we are trying to make ourselves distasteful by taking a Vitamin B complex. They smell bad enough when taking them, so hopefully we will smell bad to the skeeters.

This State Park campground is right in the middle of town. We are in Lincoln City, OR. Talked to one of the camp hosts and he says everything will be booked solid starting Friday for the Memorial Day Holiday. We will just play it by ear. If we are unable to find a campground then we will motel it. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Oy vey, Dad, I hope your foot gets better. Remember Advil for immflamation, unless you cannot take it.

    I hope that the B vitamins do not make you both stink to each other-- like garlic does!
