Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 13, 2010

Left Tucson around 9 this morning. Have decided that we will go to Death Valley instead of Sequoia. Our most direct route is I-10 to Phoenix, Rt. 60 west to Rt. 93. We are staying at the KOA in Kingman, AZ tonight. We left later this morning to avoid “rush hour” thru Tucson. Traffic was still quite slow. Glad we were not in it earlier.

We stopped in Casa Grande to get an oil change for the Trailblazer and to have my glasses fixed. That took about an hour. Then back on the road to Phoenix. Picked up Rt. 60 there and began to doubt my wisdom. It was slow. Lots of work zones, lots of traffic lights, lots of traffic. Finally got thru the worst of it and out into the country. Made good time after that. We saw lots of Saguaro cactus and also Joshua Trees. The Joshua trees had already bloomed, so Joyce can not add that to her list this year.

While driving today I realized, again, just how much empty space is in this country of ours. Once you get out of the towns and cities you can drive miles with out seeing a house or evidence of people, other than fences. In the East, our roads are lined with house, one after another. Not here.

The other thing I was thinking is that while we know Agriculture is big, it is hard to realize how big it is until you are out here and see how much is produced.

Got here later than usual and both are tired. Joyce fixed a Tuna Casserole and I went to the Grocery store for milk and fruit. Now waiting for bedtime. We have no internet access tonight. The campground has WiFi,but I neglected to get a userid and password for it. My data access card is “roaming” and internet is not work the price. Maybe tomorrow I can upload this.

May 14, 2010

Left Kingman, the home of Andy Devine, this morning around 8:45 and headed north.
Crossed Hoover Dam and stopped to take pictures. Made a stop at Lake Meade National Recreation area. Drove around, went down to the beach where Joyce collected shells and took pictures. After that drove on through Las Vegas and on north to Death Valley. Arrived here this afternoon and checked into a commercial campground. Good choice. It was 104 in the shade, and I do not care what people say about Low Humidity, it was still hot. Especially setting up the camper. Joyce was suffering badly from the heat. Got it set up, AC going full blast. Ate left over pizza from lunch.

After we ate, we drove out to “Artist Drive”, a picturesque 9 mile loop through colorful rock formations. It was pretty. Joyce, being Joyce, snapped lots of pictures. I took a few myself. Got back to camp around 8 and are in for the evening. We plan to get up early tomorrow and hike part of the way up Golden Canyon. If it hasn't gotten too hot, we will go to Badwater Salt Flats and walk out into the flats a way. Regardless of the temperature we will go there just to look.

This is another night without the internet. I will have several days to upload before we have service again. Not the end of the world.

May 15, 2010

Today has been busy. Up at 0530 and at the trailhead to Golden Canyon for a hike at 0615 before the heat got bad. Nice gentle 2.5 mile hike (round trip) up a narrow canyon with lots of different rock formations. Joyce turned back at the 1 mile mark, but I went the extra to see Red Cathedral. A tall red rock cliff with fluted columns. Back to the car where Joyce was waiting and then on to Bad Water. There I walked out into the salt flats for about a half mile. Temp by then was 100 in the sunshine. We wore light loose clothing and drank lots of water. Never seem to sweat, because it drys instantly. After that we drove down to the Devils Golf Course. A place where the salt formations are pushed up 1 to 2 feet tall. You can walk out into them, but must be very careful not to fall. The crystals are hard and sharp and a fall could end up with broken bones and cuts. From childhood experience you do not want to rub salt into your wounds. (That was my Dad's favorite first aid for cuts) We also drove part way down the West Side road. I saw two Chuckwalla lizards sunning themselves. Stopped at a salt flat and there was actually a briny salt pool there. There is water, but not much and very salty. About 4 times as salty as the ocean. Came back for lunch, tried to nap, but too warm in camper. We should have turned the A/C on when we left.

While hiking, I talked to a woman who said there was a nice swimming pool at Stove Pipe Wells. So we went swimming at sea level. Pool was nice and cool. When we got out, the hot wind was not hot. A very refreshing afternoon. Stayed there a couple of hours and back to camp.

Tomorrow we leave for Yosemite. Hopefully I can get across the park from the east using Ca SH 120. I called the Park line and know it is open part of the way. Wish us luck.

We have received emails from some of you letting us know that you are enjoying our adventures. Thanks for you kind comments.

May 16, 2010

Left Death Valley this morning, thinking we were going to Yosemite. That turned to not be the case. Got over to Lone Pine, after a nice drive out of Death Valley and stopped at the Forest Service Information station. Talked to a very nice Forest service person who gave me information about how to get to the West Side of Yosemite. Turns out the only way from where we were was to go south, cut thru the Sierra Nevada's and go toward Sequoia and Kings Canyon, where we wanted to go in the first place. So tonite we are camped on Lake Isabella at a NFS campground about miles from our destination. Great site, no electricity, but we can camp a few days without.

We are glad we went to Death Valley, but honestly, we are gladder that we left. Lots of good scenery, very different, but just too hot for us. Last night our A/C was working as hard as it could, but never got the temp below 78. Not comfortable at all. It was a steep climb out of Death Valley. Minus 190ft to +5000. One roadsign told us to turn off our A/C for the next 20 miles to prevent overheating. Fortunately we did not need a/c since we pulled out of Furnace Creek at 7:30. Kept the windows rolled down and enjoyed climbing from stifling heat to mountain coolness.

Stopped in Inyokern, CA for lunch at Bernadino's. Great southwestern style Mexican restaurant with a Sunday breakfast brunch that was buffet style. Not fancy but good.

Tomorrow we should be in Sequoia National Park. May rain on us. If so will be the first time since we left home.

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